Donations Process

When people receive an unexpected gift they are pleasantly surprised… It truly becomes” Manna From Heaven”!

Financial gift can be given to those in hardship or a crisis situation, when a concerned citizen submits a “MFH Request Form” for another person.

Upon meeting the criteria of the by-laws, monetary gifts are dispensed at the discretion of the director and the officers.

Any and all donations to “Manna From Heaven Inc. “are not taken lightly. It is the board’s responsibility to weigh and decide who is the neediest of candidates… and to determine the exact gift amount necessary to assign. In all crisis cases the board keeps a fair hand in gift giving; whereby we will try to help several in need as opposed to over indulging one crisis.

This is not a form for those in need, this is only for a 3rd party to donate and/or request to help a specific cause, person or persons in crisis. Please feel free to use the  pay pal link...or print both the criteria and form to fax 765.448.1350 and/or email a request.  

Article V-Criteria For Receiving a Financial Gift

Specific guidelines for giving a gift to those in hardship or crisis

a.                 We seek to help those who…
                         * aren’t on an already governmental assistance program
                       * are living responsibly.
                        * are in hardship or crisis situation, because of   
                                  circumstances beyond their input or control.        
                       *aren’t soliciting or expecting to receive a gift.

b.                The needs or the hardship must be brought to the attention of Manna From Heaven by any of the board members, the director or individuals from the community at large.

c.                  The director can initiate the process to dispense a check immediately for $150.00 or less. Gifts over $150.00 to $500.00 will be dispensed only after the approval of 2 board members and gifts over $500.00 with the full board approval.

d.                The person himself who is having the crisis or hardship may not submit the request for a gift. We want to train others to look for ways to meet the needs of others who are going through hardships. This a 3rd party referral program.

e.                  Only if money is available will a gift be given.

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