Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Tax Exempt Charity Grows To National Status! Lafayette IN, Manna From Heaven 501(c) 3 - A pipeline of God’s gifts to people in crisis.

 A pipeline of God’s gifts to people in crisis.

Lafayette Indiana 27 June 2012: A group of civic minded business people got together over 12 ½ years ago and decided to help the less fortunate in their community.

Donate Now  Manna From Heaven Inc, an Indiana 501(c) 3 [Located at  717 A Farabee Court S Lafayette, IN 47905] Is a Caring Foundation, was chartered in 1999 to help grieving people in crisis and need.

C. James Hiestand, Director of Manna From Heaven Inc., said “as the times and economy changed drastically here in Lafayette, it became apparent that the system overlooked some very needy people right here in our own community”.

So at a grass roots level with  we began taking care of our own. The company was started from a windfall during the great days of tech stocks. However in the months to follow, the stock market crashed, so I always felt that I was allowed to feel it, but never got to really enjoy a windfall. So back to reality, it started modestly with local businesses and individuals donating small amounts of money.  We quickly figured out we would need events to raise greater amounts of money to help legitimate people in crisis. Word spread quickly of these volunteer events and Church members and individuals, in the community rapidly joined in.

Other local Churches had working single moms, unwed mothers, children with special needs and elderly who just had no hope leftand nowhere to turn for help. You can imagine how they appreciate the unexpected gifts provide by this tremendous group effort.

 The undertone seems to be Take time to care!  Quickly it blossomed into one of the top 501 (c) 3 Tax Exempt Charities in the U.S.A., with help from So Kids Can Elliot Segal D.C. 101 and The Caps Mike Green!

We have been sought out by one the largest individually owned professional sports charities in the U.S.A “So Kids Can” the brain child of Sporting Generosity's first professional hockey player to take this honor, Mike Green is an all-star defenseman for the Washington Capitals

Nearly $30,000 was donated to Manna From Heaven inc., for Pediatric Prosthetics, an organization that helps families throughout the United States who have children who have either lost a limb or have congenital limb deficiency
Mike's crowning achievements off the ice however have revolved around a program that both he and a DC local radio host created called the "So Kids Can" program. The D.C. and surrounding area embraced the charity drive, we even had a Kindergarten Class raise $2200.00  to help fit a local child with a myo-electric prosthetic hand.

The “Caps” majority owner Ted Leonsis. Leonsis congratulated the students and told him how impressed he was with them for giving back to the community at such an early age. He also announced that he would match their fundraising efforts and donate an additional $1,300 to So Kids Can.

This single effort spawned NASCAR Tracks,  Celebrity Bartending events, Harley Poker Runs, Papa Johns Pizza and donation drives throughout the U.S.A.

Manna From Heaven Inc.”, provides seminars, family counseling, and monetary gifts, granted by a unique 3rd party referral system.  Manna From Heaven Inc.,  is currently networking with a national prosthetic company based in Texas,  to fit a child in New York with a prosthetic arm.

About Pediatric Prosthetics Inc., based in Houston with 39 affiliates across the United States, specializes in children’s myo-electric prostheses…(Those are the ones that look and act like a normal hand.)
A number of businesses across the country have combined resources to effectively adopt local children in their communities who are suffering from a limb loss.  Manna From Heaven Inc. would like to encourage individuals and companies of all sizes to help with funding with this compassionate work. To do this, please see the contact information below.
Generous funding enabled our most recent event to occur.  The child from New York (above) was fitted with the best hand that human hands can make.

These children, born with a limb difference develop strength of perseverance that allows them to compete equally for the blue ribbons of life. Pediatric Prosthetics Incorporated are committed to fitting these children with state of the art tools to help them! Ken and Linda Bean

Watch the Discovery Channel video: click here
Visit our blog: click here
Executive Director
C. James Hiestand         765-426-8869

How can you help?

This is not a form (below) for those in need, this is only for a 3rd party to donate and/or request to help a specific cause, person or persons in crisis. Please feel free to use the pay pal link...or print both the criteria and form to fax 765.448.1350 and/or email a request.

Article V-Criteria For Receiving a Financial Gift
Specific guidelines for giving a gift to those in hardship or crisis

a. We seek to help those who…
* aren’t on an already governmental assistance program
* are living responsibly.
* are in hardship or crisis situation, because of
circumstances beyond their input or control.
*aren’t soliciting or expecting to receive a gift.

b. The needs or the hardship must be brought to the attention of Manna From Heaven by any of the board members, the director or individuals from the community at large.

c. The director can initiate the process to dispense a check immediately for $150.00 or less. Gifts over $150.00 to $500.00 will be dispensed only after the approval of 2 board members and gifts over $500.00 with the full board approval.

d. The person himself who is having the crisis or hardship may not submit the request for a gift. We want to train others to look for ways to meet the needs of others who are going through hardships. This a 3rd party referral program.

e. Only if money is available will a gift be given.

Please feel free to use the pay pal link...or print both the criteria and form to fax 765.448.1350 and/or email a request.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Manna From Heaven Tax Exempt Donations

Manna From Heaven Inc Is a 501(c)3 -  EIN: 352093816 

Manna from Heaven is located at 717 A Farabee Court S Lafayette, IN 47905. Your contributions mean a life line for the most needy people living right here in America.

When a Non-Profit organization's purpose is to serve humanity, it is essential that their Mission Statement clearly defines the services to be performed and the compassion driving the people who provide those services.   

Non-Profit Domestic Corporation1999121000004
Indiana (IN)
12 Years, 6 Months
717 A Farabee Court South
Lafayette, IN 47905

More about Manna From Heaven

Manna From heaven is an organization founded in 1999 upon the foundational truths and principles that affect lives in 3 areas
Financial Seminars- Teaching people how to get out of debt and regain financial stability.
Personal & Family Counseling-Setting People Free.
Monetary gifts- Providing unexpected monetary gifts to individuals in need and crisis, and to worthy causes from referral of others.

How are we funded?
Our work is funded through tax exempt contributions from:
  •  Businesses, clubs and individuals 

  •  One time donations 

  •  Regular donations 

  •  Transfer of stocks

Since there is no formal charge for our services provided, tax exempt contributions are greatly appreciated and needed for  the  ongoing work to reach others in crisis, We need people like you in this endeavor. Will You help us?

"seminars, family counseling, and monetary gifts, granted by a unique 3rd party referral system"

Meet The Board

C James Hiestand
Lafayette, IN 47902

Denise A Hiestand
Lafayette, IN 47902

Kevin Kaufman
Lafayette, IN 47906

Phillis Schley
Lafayette, IN. 47005

Bret Hawks
West Lafayette, IN 47906

Kathy Burris
Lafayette, IN 47905

Sandy Kaufman
Lafayette IN. 47906

Tony Kerns
Battleground, IN 47920

"The Top National 501(c)3 for best charity, manna from heaven , needy, women, children’s charity, children, contribution, charitable donation"